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Top 3 Questions on How to Quit Dieting

You see the post: Food Freedom. It sounds awesome. Youâ€re super intrigued! Give it a few minutes and those doubts start creeping in…

“This sounds too good to be true.” 

“Sure, she could do it. Sheâ€s already thin. But, I have to lose XX lbs first.”

“No way do I trust myself enough not to eat everything and gain so much weight!”

“My friend told me I have to do *insert the fad diet suggested* because I have pre-diabetes” You google a few things and now are even more confused!  

Friend, Iâ€ve got you, I promise! So many people get into running as a way to lose weight or feel healthier. Today, letâ€s talk through the top three questions/fears that I hear from clients almost without fail as we get started together nourishing their body and miles without diet culture.

Question 1: If I quit dieting, how do I know what to eat to lose weight or feel healthy again? 

Easy answer: thereâ€s really no secret sauce. When letting go of the diet mentality, it definitely doesnâ€t mean that healthy nutrition goes out the window. But itâ€s super important to remember that you do not need to find or eat the “perfect diet” to be healthy. Itâ€s about listening to how your body feels with different foods and feeding your body enough *see next question*. 

Hereâ€s a simple visual that I start my clients with as they build trust in listening to their body: 

From here, itâ€s about listening to how different foods feel in your body. For example:

Your answers and your running buddy’s answers may totally differ with different foods. Thatâ€s OK! It doesnâ€t mean that youâ€re healthier than her or vice versa. It means that your body needs different nutrients at that moment.  

Question 2: If Iâ€m not counting calories, how do I know how much to eat?  Wonâ€t I overeat and gain weight? 

Calorie counting relies too heavily on the erroneous fact that our calorie needs are exact day-to-day. If you consistently eat more than your body needs, weight gain might happen. On the flip side, if you have been chronically dieting, thereâ€s a really good chance that your body has slowed down to fight the diet-induced “famine.”  

Instead, go back to the first question to answer this one. Listen to how your body feels.  When you truly let go of the diet mentality, junk food is not the only food youâ€ll want. Your body will consistently ask for more nutritious food. 

Even if you read this and want to believe it, it can feel really scary to let go of the tight grip around numbers. To help lessen the grip, consider these problems with calorie counting: 

The takeaway?  Food is not a black and white science. Life is easier and healthier when we live in a grey area. 

Question 3: If weâ€re not focusing on the scale for success, wonâ€t I gain weight?!

If weighing yourself daily or weekly is working for you, keep doing your thing friend! This is a complete judgment-free zone.  However, if youâ€re reading this, chances are that something isnâ€t working or just feels off or uncomfortable.  If thatâ€s the case, letâ€s talk. 

Itâ€s normal and totally understandable to want weight loss. You might not feel like yourself in your body right now. Maybe you feel medical/family/societal pressure to lose weight. 

The body has a “happy weight”, sometimes called the “set point theory”. This is where your body functions at itâ€s best, itâ€s an easy-to-maintain weight, and you feel GOOD. Finding this weight isnâ€t always a linear line and this can feel super frustrating when your head is stuck on a specific scale number that determines your success. Fluctuations along the path to your “happy weight” is normal, natural and to be expected! 

A few thoughts on the scale: 

Those are the three most common questions but let me know your thoughts and lingering questions! Email me at and I will always respond! 



To start your journey of finding your runner’s alchemy, Iâ€ve created a super simple guide. Itâ€s the first steps I explore with my clients so that they can feel strong, healthy and confident, sans dieting. Snag that guide HERE!